Codetapper's Amiga Site

Elfmania Data Disk

In 2006, Miha Rinne visited the English Amiga Board and started a thread about his Amiga graphics. He was a graphic artist that had been employed by Terramarque/Housemarque. The first game he was working on was an expansion data disk for the game Elfmania. In his own words:

My first job in the game industry was to create three characters and one background for Elfmania Datadisk. This was in spring 1994. It was supposed be an add-on for Elfmania which was made for the Amiga 500 under the supervision of Stavros Fasoulas. Sadly the programmer left before project was completed, and datadisk was scrapped.

The links to his website are long dead, but some of the graphics that were saved at the time are shown here for your enjoyment. If you have any of the other graphics, please let me know so I can save them from oblivion!

2 of the characters were to have been named Kor-wa and Rod-er.


allfaces.png stavros.png treasure.png trs_reject_1.png trs_reject_2.png trsfloor.png

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  • Gravatar for Gerry

    More graphics are available in Miha Rinne's ArtStation account:

    Gerry 08/11/2023 7:28am (17 months ago)

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