Codetapper's Amiga Site


One of the best looking early 32-colour Defender clones on the Amiga, StarRay only uses a single large buffer to create the screen. Each of the seven background images is 576 pixels wide by 256 high, and after loading the image, the leftmost 320 pixels of the image is stitched onto the right edge of the background to make a buffer that is 896x160. This single large image is then displayed by the game. 4 colour palette entries are reserved for colour cycling to create various small animations such as the background stars twinkling, lights in the control towers etc.


congratulations.png loading.png title.png


level_1.png level_2.png level_3.png level_4.png level_5.png level_6.png level_7.png

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  • Gravatar for Codetapper

    Joe Musashi: Sure, I'll take a look at StarRay on the ST for you.

    This might be a good excuse for me to expand the site with a (small) Atari ST section as I have a few bits and pieces that I can include and things like the Zippy interview should really be listed under the Atari ST rather than the Amiga section anyway!

    Codetapper 27/12/2019 10:50pm (5 years ago)

  • Gravatar for Joe Musashi

    I appreciate this is a Commodore Amiga website, but would it be possible for you to take a look at the Atari ST version in some depth?

    There is some idiot on the Atari forums going around saying the claim RetroGamer magazine made (about it being the game which proved the ST could do decent parallax scrolling) is a lie.

    Why would a long running magazine like RetroGamer tell lies?

    It covers all formats so it's hardly going to be biased towards the Atari ST when it covers it in a single article is it?

    Joe Musashi 27/12/2019 4:45pm (5 years ago)

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