Diary of a Game
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Jet Strike Mission Zzap Review

• Alpha Omega, £4.95 cassette, joystick with keys
Your mission, budding pilots, is to successfully take off in a jet fighter-bomber, climb to a suitable altitude, and then fly at cruising speed to a specified destination.
The game starts with the Mission Alert signal, and then switches to a selection of instructions and menus. Here you must select a target and suitable weaponry. It is also possible to have a detailed lecture on the cockpit dials and switches.
Once you are actually in the cockpit the velocity must be brought up to at least 120 knots — then, with the wheels up, you can take to the skies. Failure to reach the desired velocity makes the plane stall and crash. To avoid aerial attack, tactical evasive action needs to be employed.
When reaching an enemy target it takes several passes to totally destroy it. Once the enemy forces have been annihilated you must return to base through a network of attacks, and then make a safe landing at the correct speed and heading.
Oh dear, this game is so appalling I wonder why Alpha/Omega bother to release it. The graphics are crude and blocky, and the crash routine is so bad it made me laugh out loud. This game doesn't deserve the tape on which it is produced, and is more suited to life in the depth of a very wet pit, rather than space on a cassette rack.
On seeing this game for the first time I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It's era — absolutely abysmal. I just had to play it again to see if what I had seen was real. Unfortunately, it was. It's the sort of game which brings bile to the back of your throat, and at the price I advise you to steer well clear.
Any suggestions?
If you have any idea what should go in this box, please let me know! :)
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