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Spaceball Zzap Review

• Rainbow Arts/US Gold, C64 £9.99 cassette, £14.99 disk; Amiga £24.99

This is possibly one of the worst full price games you'll see this year — and that's no joke.
Remember the good old days, when everyone got really excited about hitting a little white ball with a teensy weensy little white bat? No, we don't either — we're all far too young (fnar).
Anyway, if you missed out then, put your money on the table and here's your chance: you and up to 7 other players can take part in the biggest ping pong tournament this side of 1976.
Break a hole in the wall behind your opponent's bat, send the ball through it and you've scored a goal. Occasionally, speed up, slow down or double yer bat icons appear mid-screen to add a bit of variety. Wooh!
Boy, am I glad technology has advanced a bit since every arcade game looked like this. Talk about boring! Well, OK, let's talk about boring. Let's talk about spending ten or twenty quid only to find that you've paid for a single background screen, a bit of snazzy music and the oldest most repetitive game in the business. Right! That's enough depressing talk. Just make sure you don't buy this.
Ouf! I feel a bit dizzy. What with this and Blip Video Classics last month I'm beginning to feel really confused. Didn't this sort of game stop being produced over 10 years ago? Didn't it die a very honourable death then? Why are they bringing it back to life? Why are they asking you to pay for it? Does anybody really think this sort of game reflects the potential of the 64 or the Amiga? Who knows? All I know is that this is probably the most boring, overpriced game I've seen this month. Yeuch!
We've seen the Amiga version (£24.99) and apart from a few extra backdrops, the game is exactly the same. If you see it, ignore it.
Any suggestions?
If you have any idea what should go in this box, please let me know! :)
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